Wound Management

Chronic and complex wound management requires a systematized and comprehensive approach and represents a considerable Cost Burden to the society on health services. It requires considerable manpower, frequent specialist consultation and adjunct therapies. India is known as the diabetes capital of the world and about 5% of India’s total diabetic population develops foot ulcers resulting in approximately 45,000 lower limb amputations annually

Types of Wounds

Atlas System is used to treat almost all kinds of wounds with very few contraindications or complications

Compound Fracture

Venus Leg Ulcer

Venus Leg Ulcer

Venus Leg Ulcer

Abdominal Dehiscence

Abdominal Dehiscence

Pressure Sore

Abdominal Dehiscence

Traumatic Abrassion

Traumatic Abrassion

Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Diabetic Foot Ulcer

How to Manage Wound with our system?

Change dressing 2-3 times per week
Monitor frequently
Observe wound and peri-wound area for signs and symptoms of infection
Remove dressings carefully to protect new tissue growth
Bright gush flow red blood in canister requires immediate evaluation
Measure and document per facility protocol

Atlas port

Note : It is recommended to follow our protocol to ensure optimal results, as these are tried and tested protocol designed by various  expert wound managers

Wound Assessment and Treatment Chart

Wound Assessment chart
Wound Assessment chart
Wound Treatment Chart
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